Are you a NEW Budgeto user and ready to open your account with us?
Watch this video (2 min) to learn how to link your Xero account with Budgeto!
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IMPORTANT! In order to minimize as many potential errors as possible, your setup should be the same for Xero and Budgeto.
For Example;
- Your fiscal year in Xero should match the fiscal year entered into Budgeto.
- Both systems should use the same country.
- Both systems should use the same currencies.
- Etc.
NOTE, Budgeto will never "write" anything into your Xero account, as Budgeto only reads the data. Changes you make in your Budgeto account WILL NOT overwrite anything in your Xero account.
To link Xero to Budgeto, follow these few easy steps:
1- Click on the Link a Software sub-menu available in the historical menu:
2- Click the Connect to Xero button (Blue and gray rectangle on the right side of your screen).
3- Sign in to your Xero Online account.
4- Choose which company/organization you want to connect to Budgeto.
5- Choose the months you want to import in Budgeto. You can import as many years of financial results as you want in the past.
However, we suggest that you import only the last fiscal year. This is because the LAST YEAR selected in your Historical Profit & Lost Statement, or Historical Balance Sheet is the most important because these are the past historical information you will see in your future finical projection reports/budget.
6- Congratulations! Your Budgeto and Xero accounts are now synced!
Now that your Budgeto and Xero accounts are synced, there's a few things you can do next:
1- Navigate to your Historical Dashboard
At the top of the Historical Dashboard, you will find information relating to your "Company Settings". This is the same information/settings found in the normal company settings menu. Note that you will see a helpful tip below explaining exactly what your fiscal year is set to.
To access more information relating to your company settings, take a look at this related article from our Knowledge Base:
- Company Settings Articles/Information
2- Review the validation in both your Historical Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet.
Confirm that the Validation is 0.00 for every month.

3- Remember to SAVE any work you have done.

Q: "I am having issues connecting Xero to Budgeto"
A: This can happen for one of 3 reasons:
- There is a technical issue on Xero's end.
Sometimes, their platform might be down, which can halt the synchronization process. Although unlikely, it still happens in the software industry. Make sure to check their social media accounts for updates. - You do not have the permission rights to connect to the Xero platform. Make sure with your employer that you are approved with "manage" rights to use the Xero platform.
- There is an issue in the Budgeto and Xero communication link.
Remember! You can always go back and edit your Xero mapping with Budgeto. Here is another useful article from our Knowledge Base that explains how to proceed:
- How to edit your MAPPING with Xero
YOU'RE NOT DONE! After linking/mapping your Budgeto account with your Xero account, it is IMPORTANT that you work on your Manual Variations. The Manual Variations Menu deals with the movement of money in the future that is related to your past. For example, you need to "teach" the system (Budgeto) when you will receive or move money associated with your accounts. (Ex: Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, etc.)
--------------------------------------WHAT'S NEXT----------------------------------
Now that you have completed your synchronization with your Xero account with Budgeto, it's time to fill out your budget.
It's important to focus on your company's FUTURE and what's to come so you can be better prepared and have everything laid out for you. This is why at this stage we are asking you to fill up forms rather than extrapolate the past. We want you to think differently, we want you to plan for what you have never done.
That's why it is critical to have a solid understanding of your financial projections. Get started with these articles from our Knowledge Base:
- I'm new to Budgeto, where to start?
- How to manage your Xero integration
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Need help? These resources are for you!
1- There is a search bar at the top right of the screen, use it often! Use words that you see on the section you are dealing with in order to search for related articles in our Knowledge Base.
2- If you haven't found an answer to your question, create a support ticket and our team will find an answer for you:
Click here to create a new ticket for help
3- If you have any other questions about Budgeto, write us an email at: [email protected]
Happy Budgeting and know that we are here for you if you need help!
The Budgeto Team
Related Articles (Please refer to the links below)
- How to manage your Xero integration
- How to edit your MAPPING with Xero
- How to use the Manual Variations menu