The How to export/print a budget (PDF/EXCEL) video (2 min) on the right demonstrates the versatility and power of what you can create and export using Budgeto!
Learn how to modify your current reports and then export your budget/financial forecasts as a PDF or Excel, as well as the graphs found on the dashboard!
Become a Budgeto expert by watching the other videos available! These training videos can be found in our Multimedia Gallery (Be sure to check back often, as more videos are in the works!).
Click here to access the Budgeto Multimedia Gallery
Looking how to export your budget?
Read this article from our Knowledge Base to get a full understanding on how to use the export module, including how to produce a complete budget!
- How to EXPORT a budget (PDF/EXCEL)
To export your budget to Excel, start by pressing on the Export button on the left-side of the screen.
Once in the export menu, you must choose:
- Select which type of report you want to export (Profit and Loss, Cash Flow, Balance Sheet, Ratio, and Cost & Funding)...
- The budget/scenario.
- The number of years (Start date-End date).
- If you are exporting with historical data.
- Yearly or monthly
- The amount of detail you want your report to have.
- The desired export format (Excel).
Then, click on the "Download Excel" button near the button of your screen.
Producing a complete Budget
To produce a complete budget which includes all financial reports (Profit and Loss, Cash Flow, Balance Sheet, Ratio, and Cost & Funding). Follow the steps below:
1- Click on the blue button "Add a report" 4 times.
2- Select each distinct report in the drop down menu.
3- Modify the report to fit your needs (date range, historical, display, level of detail, etc.).
4- Generate your Excel file.
NOTE When you export your budget as an Excel file, you are pulling just the numbers. This means that there are no formulas or equations in your Excel spread sheet, simply the numbers from Budgeto.

Also, be sure to check our our new Real vs Budget comparison module! For more information, please check out the Knowledge Base article below:
- How to use the Analysis Module
An error can occur with certain computers (depending on the settings within the Excel application found on the computer). When you have a green corner in a given cell (top left), it means that there is an error. Select the problematic cells (all of them), then click on the yellow warning button (!) and then click on "Convert to Number". The issue should be resolved.
Convert numbers stored as text to numbers
Additionally, you could consult the following article from Ablebits:
1- There is a search bar at the top right of the screen, use it often!
Use words that you see on the section you are dealing with in order to search for related articles in our Knowledge Base.
2- If you haven't found an answer to your question, create a support ticket and our team will find an answer for you:
Click here to create a new ticket for help
3- If you have any other questions about Budgeto, write us an email at: [email protected]
Happy Budgeting and know that we are here for you if you need help!
The Budgeto Team
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Related Articles (Please refer to the links below)
- How to EXPORT a budget (PDF/EXCEL)
- How to use the Analysis Module
- Budgeto Roadmap: Upcoming & Released Product Features
- Budgeto Limitations (What Budgeto is NOT a good fit for)
- Where are the hypotheses/comments in the exports (PDF/Excel)